Friday, December 28, 2012

Who is ready for a roller coaster ride!

What a crazy ride this has been lately.
I have to be honest with you.
I have really felt terrible these past few days.
The thought of not being able to ever see my boy again.
The thought of him spending the rest of his life in the orphanage.
Then he will have to be transferred to an adult mental facility when he is 23.

He will never be able to be tucked in at night.
He will not be able to go to the swimming pool with the girls to enjoy the sunshine!
He will never be able to help plant flowers in the yard.
 He will never get to laugh at his sisters silly faces.
He will never be able to sit on my lap and let me whisper in his ears!
He will not get the chance to hear the words

There has been so many minutes of the day where I screamed!
"How unfair this is!"  
Why is it that the innocent always suffer.
Why can't WE have the happy ending!

After the the screaming fit I burst into
tears and an ache that involves my whole being.
How can this happen?
We followed all the rules and the demands that where placed.
Still..... still!!!!

Yes I am upset.
Yes I am mad
Yes I am sad
Yes I am frustrated!
Yes I am human. 
 I have feelings
 and those feelings are normal!
I do know that it does not matter what law is passed.
That will not stop us from fighting for him.
Nothing will stop us from loving him.
Nothing will be able to make us forget him!
If need be we will wait!

I also know that I can not say this by myself! 
I am so very thankful that I have God.
 Every child deserves a loving family.
Every child just not a normal  one needs to have 
a place of comfort
a place of their own
a place called home!
Please people listen to your heart 
 think about how you would feel
if you where rejected.
Think how you would feel 
when you looked in the face of love.
Even Today 
we got a phone call that rang with 
a sweet sound of love!
We are the receipt ant of a grant!
This is given to us by a great group of people
who believe in the life saving action of adoption!

Thank you to all the people who listen to the call!
Thank you to the people who get it!
They see the power that love has and they are not afraid to use it!

So all of those families who dare to love a child, 
an Innocent  child,
Hold fast help is on the way!

We know who is in control of this and he loves our babies even more!


Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!

This season is a magical time of the year.
I love the smiles.
I love the waves.
I love the giving with out anything in return.
I love the the love that can lighten even the most darkened heart.

That is what I pray for this coming year.
I am sorry for all the pain, sorrow and grief that some bear.
I pray that you will allow
people to show you mercy, grace and forgiveness.
I pray that you will allow those people and feelings heal you from the inside out.
I also pray that you will show your self some mercy, grace and forgiveness. 

Life is way too short to carry items that hurt or damage yourself.
Let go of the bad and hold on to the good.  
Sometimes the bad comments and actions of others can lead to a sore place in your heart.
I do know that I can not take away any one's free will
make them choose a better way.
Since I can not  I need to look for solutions.
I know that the world is full of problems.
I also know that are many people who are sharing 
walking and talking solutions to some problems of this world.
Problems like loneliness, sorrow, sadness, anger, and low self esteem.
I want to Thank all those LIVING EXAMPLES!
The ones that say they have patience, love and grace  and 
live that way by the actions they show!
I want to be one of those living examples
 and give all that I can
 and do all I can until
I am gone from this earth.
I want to leave a legacy for my family, friends and God.
I am so thrilled to see other people caring for the homeless.
Caring for the orphans.
Caring for the widow.
Caring for the down trotted.
Therefore I am happy to see that the Russian government
is caring enough about making sure that their children 
are safe.
My family and friends have been through a great deal 
of screening, probing, and revealing in the past year.
All for the adoption of our boy, who we have met and 
are currently waiting for a court date for.
We will do it all over again if need be.  We are still completing the requirements.
I know where our heart is!
I know that we are ready.  We as family have prepared our house.
We have prepared our lives.
WE as a family know what we are getting into.
I my self have taught and dealt with disabled people and children for most of my life.
I am a guardian of a disabled family member.
I am a Special education specialist  who has taught disabled
children for the past fifteen years.
My husband and I are both trained in giving Meds, CPR and First aid trained.
We have also done many hours of education and training in the past year.
So we are prepared.
It is unfair to think that every American is going to return 
a child they adopt.
It is also unfair to think that every American likes baseball.
I hope that you are seeing my point!  
I do advocate for all children to have  the chance to a loving family.
We are that family for him.
   Merry Christmas  to all!

Thank you to all who have helped us and is currently supporting
us with our adoption! 

Friday, December 21, 2012

Jesus loves the little children; We should too!

Why is it always the innocent who have to pay the price
for someone Else's free will.

Why is the world so busy with hurting, killing or destroying 
any joy and laughter.

Why do we as adults think we know best?
Why do we allow our tented vision and warped mind
project our consequences unto the most vulnerable people.

These past few weeks have really brought 
me to my knees.
I have cried tears of sadness, 
I have cried tears of loss
I have cried tears of anger
I have also cried tears of helplessness!
There as been a great deal of confusion and heartache.

The children are always the ones that have to suffer.
With the many tragedies that have taken place lately 
compounded by the recent events. 

Because of words and heated tempers the Innocent 
children might have to suffer.  

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Christmas is coming!

My favorite holiday has always been and will always be 

I love to hear Christmas music playing.  
I love the smell of sugar cookies baking.
I love the bright colors of the lights!
I love the joy of the season,
I love  the innonce of children.
I love that they still believe.
They believe 
Santa Claus.
They believe in the happiness of giving.
They believe in miracles.
They believe in the love that forgives.
They believe in the peace that calms one's 
body, mind and soul!

I am so thrilled and blessed to be surrounded by these angels.
I love looking in their eyes when talking about Christmas.
I love to see the excitement of the magic of the season.

I miss that time of life.  
I wish I could be a child for a longer time.
I wish I could enjoy the belief of good.
I wish it was still easy not to doubt.

These are the lessons that I have learned over the past 15 years of teaching.
I am blessed to have a job that I love.
I am for ever in debt to my children.
The teacher of lives most valuable lessons.

Thank you my kiddos.
Thank you for the love, peace, mercy
and faith you instill in my soul.
Thank you to my wonderful son.
You make it easier to believe in miracles and unconditional love.
 You display the true meaning of the season.  
You are the living examples of God's love.
 I love the way He loves us and teaches us!

I wish you a Merry Christmas and I hope that you will be safe until 
we can get you home.
I   want you to know that we love you and are so very blessed 
to have you in our lives.
I am heart broken you will not be with us on Christmas.
My eyes fill up with tears as I think about how much I miss you.
Then I remember the miracle of Christmas and the joy that we 
will have when you come home.

Saturday, December 1, 2012


I have thought about our boy and his homeland.

I thought about the time we spent there.
I have thought about all the people I got to interact with.
 I thought about the smile on the director's face as he greeted us everyday!

I thought about the how each child had a smile
and was happy about doing their job for the day.

I thought about the landscape of country.

I even thought about how I felt the first time I got to see
our boy in person.
I remember how he smiled and walked.
I thought about how Paul won yet again another bet.
We had a bet on who he would go to first.
I know it is a shock but he went to Paul first and here is the proof.
I was the person running the camera! haha
After my mind had it's fill of thoughts, it turned to thinking.
I was thinking how truly blessed I am.
I thinking how awesome it has been so far.
This wonderful journey!
How I was so blessed to be able to meet all the kids that live
at this institution.
WE are so very lucky to be able to get him.
We where both blessed by the kind words, genuine  smiles and sweet simply innocence.
I was thinking about all these children.
I was thinking how it would be amazing if people would
open their hearts and life's to these lovable children.
I was thinking that every child deserves to know
how it feels to get tucked in at night.
Every child deserves to have that comfort of mommy and daddy!
Every child deserves to be cuddled when sick.
I was thinking how awesome that would be if more children got to
go home and life the happy ending we
sometimes take for granted.

I was thinking about this whole journey 
and  how it has nothing to do with me,
but everything about Him
and the lessons that I have learned thus far!

I have learned the lesson of being an advocate for my son.
he deserves to be held and talked to every day
by his momma and pappa and his sisters!

I dislike asking for help.
It causes me some mental anguish and dents my pride!
However, while we are waiting for our court date we are working
so very hard.
WE are finishing up classes, putting the final touches on the house,
and  fundraising like mad.

I know that not every one has the same part of this journey.
It is like a team.
There is defensive players, offensive players, quarter back
and finally the coaches.
Every one has a different role!
WE need all of them to work together to get the job done.
That is where you come in!
If you feel so lead please do what you can to help
give him the happy ending that all children

I know you will help us to write a happy ending for our boy!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I miss my boy!

It has been a wonderful, exhausting, frustration, joyfully
eye-opening and over all learning experience, this journey we are on!
It has made me see what I need to be Thankful for.
It has also taught me not to judge to quickly anything that is different from me.

I have seen with my eyes the lovely children who smile even when.
I have seen the care that the workers have for the kids.
I have seen the innocence of a cute little Blondie headed 
boy as he rested his head in my hands.
I have seen the excitement of nursery rhythms 
that flooded out the mouth of a sweet boy.

I could sense that these children wanted to spend time with us.
I  could see the smiles and the wonderment of who we where crossing
their beautiful eyes!
Then I saw my boy enter in through the door and all I wanted to do
was to jump up and grab him.
I want you to know that took all my strength not to attach him with kisses.
I watched him walk in the room.
My stomach flipped while my eyes filled with tears.
My heart was ready to explode with love. 
I remember this feeling when I saw both my pretty daughters.
Hd looked around the room and he saw Paul.
That was it He went right to him and sat on his lap.
He then grabbed his hands and latched on to his thumbs.
He sat there and enjoyed that time.

I do know that the first day was a blur due to the time difference.
 there was a few hours  a head of  Nebraska.
I do remember the feeling of shock and amazement
when we found out that we where the first to 
ever adopt from this current place.  
Not just first from America but first ever in the history 
of this place.  He will be the first


Friday, November 23, 2012

Time, memories and love!

I am a person who likes to plan.
I like to know how much time a certain event will take.
I like to make my time count!
I like to also be about the bussiness I need to get done!
I also like to watch the clock and make memories.
I looked at the clock every time that my girls where born.
Kersten at 8:20a.m. on August 20th
Kelsee 5:02 p.m. on March 31st
I looked at the clock when both my parents passed away!
Time is a marker for me.
It helps me remember the good and the harder times in my life.
I know that on the flight back home to the U.S. I was praying that
the time would have moved a little quicker.  
I would look at the clock and only 15 minutes would have passed.
This went on for several hours!
It was crazy and then I remember that feeling of wishing to stop time.
I wanted the time with our boy to be slower.
I did not want it to pass to quickly.
I then thought it would be easier to me if I did not know 
or understand the concept of time.  

I know that this concept is harder for people and children that 
have a disability to over come.
I was thinking it might not be a bad thing!
Not being able to tell time or understand what a day looks and feels like.
Not being tied down to the clock.
To be happy and to enjoy every moment!
That concept has taught me to enjoy and make every moment count!
That is the blessing I am praying for with my boy.
I know that time is a hard concept for him to understand.  
I kept whispering  in his ear that we would be back.
I kept telling him that he is a good boy and that we love him.
I know that the wait time is probably harder for us then him.
Still I know that time is not an item that I can change, 
even though I wish I could!
I can change my action and reaction!
I can also learn how to use the time I have
 to do what I am called to do!

Even though this is hard and causes me grief, tears and stress at times.
It is a concept that I can not change!
I will turn my enregy to things that I can change.
That is me and me alone!

I want you to enjoy the pictures of our boy and the memories 
this creates.  
I hope that at this time of the year, You will all 
enjoy the time you have with the people you  love!
Focus on the time you get not on the time you think you should get!

Make those memories that will last and cause happiness!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

We have 16 hours left!

It will be a great day on Sunday November 4th!
It will be the day that we
start our journey.  
I am full of many different emotions at the current time.

Excited, nervous, longing, most of all happiness!
We get to touch, love in person and speak with our boy.

I know that some people will never understand how I feel about this little boy.
Some will never see the sparkle in his eyes.
Some will never get the depth of concern for him that we do.
I know that his mom and dad gave him up and I am sure that was out of love!
I also know that he was born to be my sweet brown eyed boy. 

I am aware that many people do not view these little angels the way I do!  
I know that when we go and meet our son  there will
be things that I do not want to see.
I know that I will see things that will cause a change in me.
I know that I will not be able to change all that I want,
 However, I will be able to do what I am suppose to!

I know who I am , I also know where my strength and love come from!

I just pray that I will be able to change who needs it.
Love the ones that don't deserve it.
Show mercy to the blinded 
always make sure I speak with good purpose.

 We are coming to see you and to speak
wonderful things in your life.
We have  sooo much love
kisses, hugs and encouragement for you!
All of them from your
sisters, aunties, uncles, grandparents.

My good friend Mary Louise told me this
It is be ok in the end
if it is not
 it is not the end Yet!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

I am not bankrupt!

This week seemed to take all my patience
all my understanding
all my strength
all my wisdom
all my love
all of me
I  looked to God for his loving arms!
I felt alone and bankrupt.
I was running on the negative side of life!

By Friday I so wanted to be a robot!
I was tired of feeling.
I was tired of trying.
I was tired of getting the raw deal.
I was tired of that knife in my back.
I was tired of being human and having to deal with other humans!
I screamed and shouted about how
 I did not want to feel anything anymore!!!

After my little fit.  After my little pity party
after my rant, I looked at all the pictures of 
my kids, my girls, my husband
my twin, my friends, my in laws
my sisters, my brothers,my boy
my life's interactions so far and I 
realized that I would not be me if I was a Robot.

To be honest it was not suppose to be about me!
I was and still need to show who gave me everything!
It is suppose to be the prove of His love at work in my life.
I know that I am human and I make mistakes and 
I do and say things that I should not to
 if my life can be the proof of His true love then 
I have done what I need to. 

This is the how I know that God is real,
There is still love that is uncommon in this very common world.
There is forgiveness that this world can not explain.
There are still and will be living proof that God is real.

No matter where I am 
No matter what I do
 No matter what I say
I want my love to look like Him!
As our flight approaches I really want to make
sure that I am full of His love and not 
look at things thru a negative sight!
I want our journey to resemble 
the love that made my father love and still wants
me even after my little baby fit!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

T Minus 8 days and counting

8 DAYS left until I be a world traveler!
 That thought brings me a huge smile to my face.

I think I am doing fine until I am reminded how soon 
we will be leaving!

Then I get all nervous and excited at the same time.  
Is that possible?
well I can tell you that it is.
WE have so many items to get taken care of before we leave to the airport.

 I feel kind of like Santa  Claus I have a list and I have been checking it more 
then twice an hour! ha ha
I am so excited to see where he lives and where he has spent
his days so far.
I can not wait to see his home land and take in all the sights and sounds

I have promised to bring back some goodies for my classroom.
Every one is soo excited including the paras.
I have warned them as well as, my other collegues
there should be no parties while I am away.
I got the wink and nod of assurance that it will all take place
while I am gone!

I am so happy and I am ready to see the My boy.
I feel like I could sing just like this boy and be soo very happy!

Sing with me!

Friday, October 12, 2012



We are leaving  on Nov. 4th.
There is a great deal of emotions that come with this journey.
Fear, doubt, excitement, happiness,  all of these have hit me at one point or another.
There has been moments that I have experience all of these in the same hour.
I do know that I am so very blessed.  
I have had several encouraging notes and words this week.  
We received a nice Thank you and some money to help pay for our trip.
Because of all the emotions that have pledged me thus far
I was accused of being pregnant!
Well sort of, I thought!

I do not have to have the physical labor pain, But I have had some labor!
Labor of my time and how that taxes my emotions. 
Labor of doubt and fears that invade my thoughts.
A labor of love that will be with in reach soon.
How we as a family have longed for this time to come and now it has.
I know that I am not the only one who is feelings that have overwhelmed my being!
My girls are so very thrilled and nervous at the up coming trip.

I can finally go over and see those innocent angels  who have touched my heart.
I can finally see and touch and speak life to their hearts.
I can finally see my boy and hug him.
I can finally tell him that he is so amazing and such a gift.
I may not be physically pregnant I feel like I am.
I cry at the silly commericals while craving chocolate.  
WAIT I did that before I was pregnant!.. ha
Paul has reminded me that we only have 23 days left.  

What to do what to do!
Too many things to do!
I will try to remind myself what I tell my kids..
Smell my flowers and blow out my candles!
Three deep breaths and relax!

Before I wrap up my thoughts I wanted to say
Thank you to all who have helped us so far.
I know that I do  not deserve all the I receive and for that I am so Thankful!

This is the song that has been playing over and over in my head this week.
I hope that you can and will enjoy it.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

HAPPINESS, NERVOUSNESS, EXCITEMENT, and any other emotions you can throw in!

We just got the news we will be traveling on Oct. 27th.
We will then will able to see and love on him!
I can not wait to see his cute little face.
I want to see his smile in person.
I want to see his gorgeous brown eyes.
I did not think that this time would ever come.  
I was waiting and waiting and dreaming dreaming!
so my sweet little boy we are coming soon.
We  will also need some more money to help fund this trip.
If you feel it in your heart to give please do so.

Monday, September 17, 2012


What do you see?
Do you see the young lady or the old lady?
It is amazing to to me what image people see first!
I presented this picture with my youth group one  time
 and it was eye opening, to see who saw what image!
I had some youth that could not see the old lady,
I had some that could not see the young lady.
That was until I told a red pen and out line the young lady first.
I outlined the old lady in blue.

So I ask you one more time what image to you see.  
At first glance I see a young lady.  
I can also see the old lady.

 This lesson was brought home to my mind and soul today.
It amazes me what some people see.
I am also sure that is what people say when they speak of me.

I can see the child suffering with the affects of a stroke as a teacher of independence
I can look at a child with a severe physical disability and see love.
I can look at a child who is controlled by the impulsive manner and see humility. 

When people only see sadness, despair, pity or hopelessness 
when they look at my children that are disabled, 
 I will warn you to LISTEN and LOOK  to
 the children whispering  lessons of love, beauty, hope, kindness, compassion and laughter. 
I choose to see only those things!
I believe in the statement that one man's junk can be another man's treasure!
I also believe that Love is in the eye of the beholder.  
These statements are talking about some ones perspective.
I would want for every one to have a perspective change 
all they see is the negative or the darkness in everything!

I understand people wanting us to be informed about our soon
to be son.  
However, when some one  says severely delayed 
I see a few extra lessons taught at his level.
Each and every time I look at our boy.
I see a cute little boy who needs love and structure.
I see a little cutie who is wanting to learn and practice what he is taught!
I see my son that is up for any challenge.
He is not willing to give up and neither am I.
 Every time I look at these innocent blessings that I do not deserve,
 I will be sure to teach, love, care for and hopefully better them;
because  what I choose to see the true image!

My baby boy please listen to that voice whispering love and peace to you right now!
We love you and I can not wait to hold you my sweet pea!
 I do know that we all loved to be held.
 I love the way He helps me to keep my perspective!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

WAIT did some one say Wait!??????

  I remember hearing my momma saying this comment.
"Weight is what broke the wagon!"

I was confused about the wait/weight. 
I do know what she meant now.  
It is the the wait that is truly breaking us!
The wait seems to never end!
It may cause some anxiety and the wait does cause
some extra weight on my heart and mind.
I hate that feeling of being heavy and working extra  hard
 to do the normal day activities.
 I have jokingly expressed that I will not be praying for patience
any more due to his promise of giving it to me.
I have learned to be careful what I ask for!

We are still waiting to hear when we get to travel for the first time.
 We are also still waiting to hear how our boy is doing?

I also know it is unfair and wrong to judge all men by 
another man's mistakes.  
So we will have to wait  for words, wait for a visit.
Just wait!

We will wait to see what happens in next chapter of our Mission Possible.
Even if the wait is long and sometimes painful  we will not give up
we will do what is requested!

 We will make this mission that seems impossible 
very, very possible!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Where would I be???

It has been a very crazy busy time this past week.
We have successfully completed our first week of school.
I feel like it will be wonderful, exciting and  teachable year.
I am so excited to see my kiddos and get to know my new ones.
I have already learned a great deal in the first real week.

I have learned that I  will be busy this year.
I have learned that I will need to be flexible.
 I have learned that we all need our anchors.
I know that I need my anchors to help me to be a better
teacher, mother, wife, friend and sister.

I know that I have some major attention deficit disorder tendencies.  
I also know how to help myself to calm down and focus.
It has only taken me 40 years to master my self help skills.  
I know that when I  really feel overwhelmed 
I need someone that really loves me to stop me 
and give me a great big bear hug.
AND as my wonderful girl friend would say
"Shell you need a swift kick in the Butt!".
That may be true as long as you follow it up with a bear hug!

I believe that self awareness is the best skill you can teach anyone.
We are in the beginning stages of this very skill in our class room.
I have a couple new students that need to learn  
 to communicate, with out screaming.
They also are in the process of learning how to appropriately
express all their feelings.
This process is not an easy one, however it will serve every one well.
I do love to see a child look at the object they want and be able
to tell me what it is they want.
They can communicate with pictures, sign and/or any speaking device known to mankind.
I love to expose the children to many different devices to see what
they prefer to use to communicate with.

So this coming year will be a learning year for my new kiddos as well as,
 my fifth graders that will be leaving me.
I am hoping that I have done a good enough job to aid them in
their future successes!
I am also hoping they will continue to learn and grow into the amazing people
I know they are!

Thank you my kiddos for being one of my anchors.
I know that you make me a better person!
Thank you for teaching me some very important lessons in this life!
I also know I have an anchor in my God.
Listen to this new Toby mac song When I heard it for the first time
I feel in love with it.
I can so see my self as this person.
I would be chasing every breeze that blows my way, IF
I did not have HIM to  help me stay focused on the important things in this life.

I really need that focus when life seems full of events that do not go my way.
I know that I can be anchored and have the peace that

I can not wait to start helping our boy learn his way of communication.
I can not wait for him to teach me some very important lessons.
Therefore, my sweet little boy. hang on and know in your heart we love you and we are coming!


Sunday, August 12, 2012

The innocent needs to be uplifted! Will you help?

It was a crazy week this past week!
My body is feeling the affects of that.
I have a bad headache and I think that every muscle in my body is tight!

It is my own fault and I know that.  
We got an email stating that our boy was not doing so well.
He is not speaking to others.
He is feeding himself but very badly.
He can walk but not well.
He is still in diapers.  
I was and still am upset not with what he can not do
but that he still doesn't know that we are coming yet.
I can not image how lonely, unloved and worthless he is feeling right now!

I personally hate that feeling and I do not like it when the
innocent children have to feel it!
I want him to know that he is loved
 and we can handle him
 and all his  strengths and weaknesses!
He is ours, He is a Mosley
We still want him.....

We as a family know what we can handle and what we can not.
We know in our heart that he is our boy!

We are waiting on two pieces of paper work to get sent off.
That is one thing that we have learned is that
one is NEVER as for patience because you will get it.  
All of this waiting has increase my patience. 

So while we are waiting and still waiting and still waiting
we are asking for prayers for our boy!
I want him to know that he is loved and that we are working so hard to get to him!

 So if you could find it in your heart please say a prayer for him.
I want this smile to be on his face when I see him.  

On a happy note we have had so many people that have blessed us.
THANK you to all who have helped us with money, prayers,
encouraging words, smiles and a listening ear.
I know that God will bless you for obeying and showing compassion 
to the least of these.  


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Inter conflict yet one more time! Who is going to win?

First of all I would like to  Thank every body that has had anything to do 
with our adoption.  
I know you all have a job and you know what is best for what is needed!
You are trained and certified in your area, for that I say Thank you!

I however, was not happy when I got an email stating that we needed
to redo some documents.
I was not happy at all, I was a little mad & over whelmed with disappointment.
As tears of frustration ran down my face, I heard my words echo
"We are a good family,
We want to love this child
  and give him a home and a family".
"WHY is that so hard to understand?"
"Why is that so hard to do?"

Then my husband took my hand and said, it is better for us now then later.

I know he is right!  I would rather they find it  and we fix it before we travel.
 However, my heart was conflicted.
We know we are a good family and people that know us know that as well.
I know that we live in a world where people suspect and doubt.
I long for the days that our word was our oath.  
My dad was very firm on that moral.

"He would say Shell if you say your are going to do it
then you better make sure you hold to your word."

I remember living in an era where we could have said so and the word was gold.
I remember times when Dad went to the local grocery store and asked
if he could get some food and pay for it at the end of the month
when he got paid.
I remember him giving his word to the clerk and with a hand shake it was done!

I long for those days when the heart would have a little say in what the brain did.

I know that is probably naive  to think that sometimes the heart
would win and trust what is said.

I know that there are and always will be channels that need to be followed.
No matter how nice the channel is sometimes the ship does not like the journey!

After I get done with looking at my journey, it is nothing in comparison  
to a friend of mine right now.
She is my inspiration and focal point and has been this past week.
She was in a bad house fire and is in a burn center in Lincoln.
She is an amazing mom, wife and friend.
She did what she needed to safe her family many years ago.
She now is in critical condition.
 She has three little ones at home and a loving husband and sister here.
I know she is a fighter and is so worthy to beat this!
So if you believe with your heart in miracles say a prayer for Sara.

Let us yet for a few minutes today
 let our hearts lead the way. 

If your heart tells you to call someone do it!
If it tells you to help a stranger do it!
If it tells you to listen and assist do it!
let us at least for a short time live life with a touch of compassion.
I know that I will today, 
Who is with me?
So for right now there is no conflict
I will allow my heart to rule my thoughts and brain today!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

I had a dream.....

The other night I had a dream.
I was standing in the heat and sun while waiting.
I went to walk back inside and only needed one more step to reach the front door,
when I felt a drop of rain run down my head.  
I looked up and the rain fell.  I began to dance in the rain and shout with joy.

I thought for sure that was going to happen today, but it stopped after 12 drop!.

I wanted to have that memory again. The one where I can dance in the rain.
I remember when the girls where little and how much they loved going outside 
and dancing in the rain.  
I remember the laughter and screams as we stomped in the water puddles.
I also enjoyed coming in the house after the fun.
We would share that memory over a cup of hot chocolate.
I was so hoping that would happen again soon. 

Even though I was hoping for a thunder storm 
I am thankful for the moisture that we got.
And the chance to reminisce.

Even though it is hot and dry life is not all bad.  
 We got the news about our paper work being in Smolensk!
We have now entered the translation process.

I feel for the translation people.  I do know how many documents we sent!

We have also had some wonderful person or people that donated to 
our cause.  
I am so overwhelmed and beyond words for 
everyone that has and will continue to help us bring
our boy home!

Thank you Thank You... I do hope to have that same memory with 
him playing in the rain as I did with the girls when they 
where younger.  
I will hopefully have a good dream tonight.  
I hope that all of you will take some time and enjoy those memories
that have marked your heart.