Thursday, August 21, 2014

I want to dream again!

To Dream: a condition or achievement
that is longed for!

I want to dream again.
I want a season of believing that right will win 
and everyone gets a happy ending.
I have had to wrestle myself many times over!
I have had to stand face to face with my own words
and three of my major beliefs in this world.

1. We are not guaranteed anything!
2.  Everything happens for a reason or a lesson!
3.  We should know who we are!

As many of you know our dream of 
Artem joining our family can not be
granted at this time.
This has been a journey that has tested, reshaped
and caused a confrontation in me.
It has not been easy  however it has caused
growth and learning.
As an educator I know that some lessons are
harder than others to internalize .
I have had to face the fact that we are not
guaranteed anything.
This includes people in our lives.
Our career.
Our health.
Our very breath.
Our family members.
Our friends.
 The time we get with them.
We have no control over any of it!
This is a tough pill to swallow.

Everything happens for a reason or a lesson.
If the only reason was for me to 
see the beauty of this sweet little boy 
and always remember his smile, 
then so be it!  
If the lesson is to value every minute 
and make those minutes count with 
something eternal then so be it!

We should know who we are!
 I know I preach how important it is
 to know who you are.
I do believe it.
Some days it is harder to see it!
I know that I am Michelle Lee Mosley.
What does that look like.
At times  crazy, hyper, positive 
other times quiet, pondering,stubborn.
I am loved, redeemed, chosen, worthy.
These qualities need to be the driving point 
to vanquish the negative ones.
I am prideful and I do not like to ask for help.
I can also be stubborn which not always a bad thing.

I know I do have a longing I have a dream.
I dream of saving a child.
I dream of investing in that soul.
I dream of  telling that child
he/she is chosen, wanted and loved.
 I am ready to open my heart again!
I am in need of some help.
I need some support in this decision.
I have the ok to move on and save another.
I need you all to help me over come my fears.
 The fear of another failed adoption.
 The fear of the unknown.
The fear of not being able to see how 
this adoption will happen.
I am asking for you to help me get 
over all this fear!
There is a little girl that is waiting for her
forever family to find her.
I want to be a part of that!
She is waiting to hear someone say
you are worth it!
 She is waiting to be chosen and We choose her!

I need you all to pray for us.
 I need you to support us.
 I need you to hug me
 and give me words of encouragement.
Can I count on you!
Please come and dream with me!
 I need all of you!