Friday, May 25, 2012


Wow 3rd times a charm!

I have had to get my fingerprints done three times.

That is just for the adoption, 
that is not including the fingerprints needed
 when I got my teaching ceritificate.
My fingerprints have not changed 
Ok. I am done with ranting about my fingerprints...
But really they have not changed!!!

Our visit to the USCIS in Omaha
was nerve racking! 
I was pleasantly surpised
with some of the people that work there. 
It was less painful then I thought.

While sitting in the waiting room
It became so clear that this is one big world.
It doesn't matter what color of skin, eyes,hair
 cognitive ability, gender,or body type, 
we are all humans.
There are people who want to be happy and provide for their family.
There are people who want to work in this country.
There are people who have dreams of freedom and the pursuit of happiness.
I saw that in the eyes of some while they where waiting for their finger prints.
That helped my nerves to calm 
and made me think of how the other person is feeling. 
I know that some felt the same way I did.
I made me think of that Walt- Disney ride
"It's a small world after all!"

Now we are waiting for our approval.
While we are waiting we are working on paper work.
( I know that is a shocker but believe me more paper work).

Well, while working on paperwork last night
my little niece and my husband where 
tempting me with ice cream.  
I love ice cream!
It was a nice break for us all.
Ice cream got me thinking about summer.
And thinking of summer made me remember some off the good old days.
I hope that this summer will be 
a nice relaxing and 
connected one.  
Time seems to go by too quickly
and yet some times very slowly.
My oldest daughter is a senior!
my youngest is a 10th grader...
It still amazes me that they grow up and I am still only 29
(wink wink) 

We want to invite you all to TCBY
in Kearney for some ice cream and memories.
Come out on June 2
between 5-10 p.m.
to help support us with our adoption.

See ya there....
Enjoy this beautiful world and the people and things 
in it!

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