Thursday, May 31, 2012


I have a family full of characters.
I have a full range of characters.
They all have their own skills and abilities.  
I do smile and laugh often while thinking about different family members.  
People have often gave me a puzzled look when they hear me.
Like the other day while it was storming
I recalled a time when my Kelsee was 7 years old.
She was so very frightened with any and all storms.
She would start pacing the floor and crying.
The other day when the lighting and thunder was rolling
she screamed and it made me laugh with great memories.
I love you my Kelsee Belsee you are truly 
a blessing and a refuge of laughter in this world!  
Thank you baby.  

I also remembered many times when 
my Kersten asked to play "shark"
That is when we jump on the bed and pretend
that there are sharks surrounding the bed.  
We had many laughs.  
Even though you are now 16
 I still see that innocent little girl
that loves
to talk, talk, talk and talk.  
Wait you still are!!
I love you sis.

I also enjoy my other family members.
I have some that make me laugh.
Some that make me think.
Some that make me mad.
Some that make me spit.
Some that make me cover my ears 
and sing
 "Mary had a little lamb".
Some make me shake my head.
Some make me to look through different eyes
to see the truth.
Even though I have many different members in my family, 
I love them and even though
 some of us are blood related
 and some of us
or forced to be related, ha tee hee
I still would choose them.
I believe that we are much stronger and unstoppable as a family.
I believe that our hearts can and will love another family member.
I want Artem to know that we choose and want him.
We all do!
You sisters, grandparents, aunts, uncles
cousins and soon to be friends.
We all want to be apart of your life.

This day remember all your kin and enjoy 
the fact that there are many members but one family.
I know that I have enjoyed and learned from them.

I also know that with all the support and love 
from my family  we can see miracles.
We can also change this world for the better.  

Go Team Family! 
  I love you every one of you!

Friday, May 25, 2012


Wow 3rd times a charm!

I have had to get my fingerprints done three times.

That is just for the adoption, 
that is not including the fingerprints needed
 when I got my teaching ceritificate.
My fingerprints have not changed 
Ok. I am done with ranting about my fingerprints...
But really they have not changed!!!

Our visit to the USCIS in Omaha
was nerve racking! 
I was pleasantly surpised
with some of the people that work there. 
It was less painful then I thought.

While sitting in the waiting room
It became so clear that this is one big world.
It doesn't matter what color of skin, eyes,hair
 cognitive ability, gender,or body type, 
we are all humans.
There are people who want to be happy and provide for their family.
There are people who want to work in this country.
There are people who have dreams of freedom and the pursuit of happiness.
I saw that in the eyes of some while they where waiting for their finger prints.
That helped my nerves to calm 
and made me think of how the other person is feeling. 
I know that some felt the same way I did.
I made me think of that Walt- Disney ride
"It's a small world after all!"

Now we are waiting for our approval.
While we are waiting we are working on paper work.
( I know that is a shocker but believe me more paper work).

Well, while working on paperwork last night
my little niece and my husband where 
tempting me with ice cream.  
I love ice cream!
It was a nice break for us all.
Ice cream got me thinking about summer.
And thinking of summer made me remember some off the good old days.
I hope that this summer will be 
a nice relaxing and 
connected one.  
Time seems to go by too quickly
and yet some times very slowly.
My oldest daughter is a senior!
my youngest is a 10th grader...
It still amazes me that they grow up and I am still only 29
(wink wink) 

We want to invite you all to TCBY
in Kearney for some ice cream and memories.
Come out on June 2
between 5-10 p.m.
to help support us with our adoption.

See ya there....
Enjoy this beautiful world and the people and things 
in it!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Burning the midnight oil.

Dear friends we had to redo our blog. 
 Our  email was compromised so here we go again!.
  There is not enough hours in the day for us to achieve our goal  as quickly as we would like. 
  One thing that I do  remember when dealing with our  government
 is the motto "Hurry up and wait".
  Therefore we will hurry up and wait.  
 Someday we feel like we are performing in the circus .  
"Here is the marvelous Mosley's with their amazing jumping ability."
  Able to jump through multiple hoops in a single bound!.
  Oh boy do they have us trained. 

I do feel like a freak side show some days.  
I also have just now felt that overwhelming feeling 
that engulfs you and makes it hard to breath as well as
get anything done.  
I can now honestly see how some people get overwhlemed 
and do nothing at all.  
So when I am over whelmed I dance!

Yes dance.  I turn on some music and jam with my girls
or just dance with Paul or Kallie and the music in my head.
Some people have just learned to deal with my
random dancing with minimal laughter. 
To you I say Thanks.  

I am so upset that we had to start this all over again. 
 But I will 
I love you Artem and know that we are working ever so hard to get you home.
Have a great day my little man!