Friday, January 11, 2013


Some moments of the day I am ok.
Some moments I am not!
I am just so tired....
tired of the questions
tired of the rude comments.
tired of  waiting
tired of the self battle!
The battle that rages inside of me.
Knowing that I am not in control and I might have adjust my dreams!
tired of the ebb and flow of emotions!
tired of the waiting!
We will be waiting for some time!

I am just a simple women who loves 
children regardless of where they are located.
I just want to make this world a better place while I am still here.
I want to give joy and peace to people.
I want every orphan child to know and experience
the love and support of a family.

If we can not get our boy I would pray
that he would get the change to 
be apart of a loving family!
Even if it is not with us!
That is a statement that brings tears
to my eyes
 and an ache to my heart and soul.
But that is how much I love him and want him to be happy!

All I can do right now is just 
wait and remember how it felt
when He  smiled at me.

1 comment:

  1. My heart aches for you and with you! Hang on to the sweet memories and keep praying that we are with them again soon!
