Wait, Wait, Wait
While waiting for our day in court,
what will I do?
What will I do with the hours of the day?
What will I do with the roller coaster ride of emotions?
What will I do?
While I am trying to live each day as it comes,
What will I do?
There are a great many options?
I have had my fair share of rides BUT this one has been a
Very long, bumpy, frustrating and exhausting ride.
You know how some rides you ride once and are done.
There are other rides that you love to ride even with all the adrenaline.
Those rides that are scary are sometimes the ones people remember.
WELL this ride has been that, full of
scary, nerve racking ups and downs
that would make the average stomach flip!
Even though I can not ride rides any more without the
nausea feeling and my head spinning,
I have been on this ride for a while.
Sometimes I have enjoyed it and actually learned a great deal.
Sometimes I am just sick of it all and want to get off!
However, one thing I do know about this ride is:
It has made me and my family better people.
We are just better by loving a sweet innocent little boy.
We are better by just enjoying the time we had together.
I am better by learning the wonderful lesson of hope
that was displayed by the spark in my boy's eye.
I do agree with and know in my own heart,
It is better to have loved and lost
then to never have loved at all.
So what will I do while waiting to get my boy home?
I know that the majority of the time I will Stand.
I will not give up on that sweet baby.
He is in my heart and I in his!
I will stand and wait
even though this is the hardest thing
for me to do,