Saturday, January 14, 2017

Who needs to change first me or you?

Why is it so hard for people to treat others the way they want to be treated? 
This thought has been rolling in my mind for a few months now 
and just recently hit me square in the eyes.
 My first thought is of self righteousness
" how can people be so rude, 
how can words full of acid flow out of the mouth of people,
 do they not taste the poison before it is spewed out? "

 Then my thoughts dive deeper than myself. 
When we ask this question of the "Golden Rule"
we are operating under the misconception that all people have the same perceptions.
 We believe that all people are under the same belief system, 
raised in the same loving environment,
 the same reality,
 the same mindfulness, however, that is not the truth.
Some of us have been victims of abuse in many unspeakable acts. 
Some of us grew up listening to flowery words of praise.
 Some of us were raised with loved ones 
whom themselves displayed patience, perseverance, forgiveness and acceptance. 
Some of us were forced to grow up and fill the adult role in the family.
 Some of us had to work for everything, 
some of us hear the word no more than others. 
Some of us were raised without tolerance
 to anything or anyone that is different than one's self. 

However, with in time and conditioning we have believed and acted on those mindsets.
Since I am aware that not everybody is ME
 there should be some inner reflection on my actions first. 
Second I try to understand where the other person was, is, and is going. 
The way people treat each others reflect what they feel about themselves.
 I use to hate this saying! 
With in time it has proven to be true more times than I can count.
I personally use to undercut, shame and make fun of others because they did not agree with my thoughts and ways.
 I spoke many hateful things and acted and reacted like a punk. 
I hated the way I looked,
 how I acted,
 how I was not perfect. 
I hated that I was not smart enough, 
mix all of these with a big helping of shame and guilt you have a pretty ugly person.
 I was a fortunate soul that had some amazing people who saw the signs and cared enough to help me end a very disruptive behavior. 
I can look back and see how I treated people was a direct link to how I thought I deserved to be treated.
 I thought I did not deserve grace, mercy, love and forgiveness.
So when I hear others speak 
with the same negative tones I think, 
"I want to help them see the truth,
 I want them to see their own worth."
 Some where along the path they were lied to, deceived and re programed. 
This very act makes me sick to my stomach. 
No one wins when this cycle is allowed to continue. 
Please take the time to wake up out of your comma 
and help make that connection to someone.
 It only takes one person who understands the value of a human soul to help mend and shed some needed light on the darkness.
 I want everyone to see and know how valued they truly are, that starts with the inner you!