Thursday, November 26, 2015

Tis the Season!

I am a Christmas person!
I love the Christmas season!
I love the excitement in the eyes of the children.
I do enjoy the increased 
random acts of kindness.
I also enjoy seeing 
people be more like they should be.
I love seeing the joy and happiness.
Most of all I enjoy taking some time
out of this world and my time 
to truly remember 
that I am so loved.
That my Savior was born
in a manger.
The King came to save us
and at that very moment
crushed all preconceived
ideas and thoughts about
how this King was to rule
the world!

He was born in a manager....
He was wrapped in dirty rags...
He brought a love that was not earned.
This love was received by some 
and rejected by others.
Regardless of what we as humanity thought,
 He always had a heart for us.
He instilled this heart for the lost,
widowed, lonely and orphaned.
He showed us how to forgive and learn from it.
He showed us kindness.
He showed us mercy and grace.
He showed us his heart for servant hood.
He did not want us to be only concerned with us!
He wanted us to see the big picture that lays outside of us.

As I sit here this Thanksgiving day watching the snow fall.
I am reminded that I have neglected the season before Christmas.
I am now made aware of the fact, I can not 
truly enjoy and understand the Christmas season
a thankful heart first!

I am taking some time right now
say out loud some of the things 
that my heart is thankful for.
I am thankful for a job that I love.
I am thankful for the lives I get to interact with.
I am thankful for a warm house.
I am thankful for a car that works.
I am thankful for sight, the ability to walk,
the ability to hear.
I am thankful for a love that this world needs.
I am thankful for the forgiveness 
that many do not understand,
however, one day they will see it!

I know I have made a truck load of 
mistakes and I have hurt
many in my own selfish
I am thankful for the family he gave me.
The family near and far from me on this day.
Distance does not change the place
you hold in my heart. 
I am thankful that two of my children 
are with me on this day.
I am thankful that I got to 
spend some time with
my son!
I am thankful for his touch,
I will for ever be changed 
by his smile
his laughter
his big brown eyes 
where I saw love!
I will never forget that little boy.
I am thankful for you my son
Artem Malcolm Mosley.
I am thankful for the reminder
to never take time for granted.
Thank you for helping me to grow outside of myself.
I thank God for that time with him
and the time without him.  
I thank God for the chance to grow 
and learn the lessons 
of love, compassion, and empathy
that only He can give me .
I know that I would not have learned
these life changing lessons 
without the loving hand of my God.

He brought to my remembrance  one of those lessons.
I was driving with my oldest princess Kersten 
the other day.
While driving to the store 
I heard a song.
This song  helped 
me through my time of grief in 2012
when my heart broke
with the sounds of 
a slamming door.
It did not matter how hard 
I pounded on that door,
no matter how loud
I screamed,
the door was shut!
This song made me cry once more.
Not because of my bitterness, anger
the thought of sadness.
I cried because God did what he promised.
He turned my pain into beauty.

I am a better person.
I am a better mother.
I am better because of HIM!

Because of my lessons 
I am thankful for the ability 
to mother to  another princess.
I am thankful for the trust
to be mother.
I am thankful that in 
12 days 
I will be able to put my
arms around you!
I will be able to hear
your laugh that 
I have only dreamed about.

This Thanksgiving 
I am so thankful
I want to make sure my life shows it!
I wanted to make sure that I 
took some time to 
truly reflect on the many
for my heart being full this season!
I am thankful for the rain, sun,
and wind that comes with each season!

So let us be ready for the  Christmas season
remembering and taking part
 of the Thanksgiving season!

Saturday, November 21, 2015

My prayer

This is the prayer
 I am praying for my littlest Lucy Wu today.
 She is now in the transitional stage
 leaving her Foster family to the orphanage
 until We get her in 17 days!
 Please say some prayers for that sweet baby.

I pray her heart will feel
the love when our eyes met.
I pray she will  be soothed 
by the loving arms of her sisters.
I pray she will find peace
in her daddy's lap.  
I pray that she will 
enjoy being our daughter!
I know that I will love
being her mom.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

I am feeling 22!

I am feeling 22...
Yeah that is in 22 days we
will be flying to China to get
our baby girl!

I am so blessed to be your momma!
I am overwhelmed with a ton
of emotions.

Will you look at me and smile?
Will you hug your sisters?
Will you hold daddy's hand?

I know that I can't wait to 
hug you!
I know that I want 
to comfort you.
I know that I want to 
brush your hair.
I want to hear your laughter
as you and your sisters
tickle each other.
I know that you are 
are so very loved.
Can't wait to see you soon!
Love you Lucy Wu Tian!!!!